i just had a birthday.
28 years of open eyes
and yawns
and steps and
28 years of living.
28 years of breathing
in missouri, indiana
lakes and beaches ,mountains and moving and oh
all the sights i've seen.
summer fall winter spring
i drove across the country with my brother in
a tuquoise green honda.
it had pop up lights and i had
pop up dreams and aspirations.
we stopped in texas.
we stopped in the grand canyon.
we drove through newwwwww mexico
and then we landed in a place
where we werent supposed to be really.....
days go by like nothin.
clock in
clock out
28 years of showers and nail clippings
28 years of working and learning and yearning
for what im still not sure.
28 years of hellos and goodbyes
28 years it was on thursday
yea wow